04 Nov

Pelvic floor physiotherapy is a special branch of physical therapy that focuses on the rehabilitation of pelvic floor muscles that have been damaged by an injury or dysfunction. Using therapeutic exercises, pelvic floor physical therapists can restore normal function and prevent future problems. The therapy can also help women overcome sexual dysfunction and improve self-esteem. Pelvic floor physiotherapy is often performed as part of a pelvic health assessment. The clinician will look for symptoms and discuss your past medical history. They will also look for muscle tone, scar tissue, and prolapse. Physiotherapists will also assess the muscles of your pelvic floor and train you in muscle strengthening exercises. Physical therapists can use lubricants or gloved fingers to assess the condition of the pelvic floor muscles. They will also test your pelvic floor muscle contraction and relaxation patterns. The therapist will recommend the best treatments based on this clinical assessment. After your initial session, your physiotherapist will recommend follow-up sessions for further evaluation. See company website for more details! 

Pelvic floor physiotherapy may include biofeedback, which uses electrodes to monitor the strength and flexibility of pelvic floor muscles. This can be done through either external electrodes placed on your body (such as on the vagina) or inside your body (such as between your anus and vagina). The results are displayed on a computer screen and your physiotherapist will discuss them with you. Pelvic floor physiotherapy from this link is an effective treatment for many conditions of the pelvic floor. It can help reduce pain and improve bladder and bowel health. Pelvic floor physiotherapists are specially trained to identify weak muscles and organs and devise a treatment plan that addresses the cause of your pain. Pelvic floor physical therapy is more of a marathon than a sprint. You should plan to spend between six and eight hours per session. The pain may not go away, but the therapy will help relieve your pain over months to come and minimize your chances of developing chronic problems. If you follow the recommended treatment schedule, you will begin to see results within three months of treatment. However, more intensive treatment may be required in more severe cases. 

Pelvic floor physical therapy focuses on repairing the damaged connective tissue in the pelvic area. It can also help women regain control over their bladder and enjoy active sports again. Some women may also experience better orgasms after undergoing pelvic floor physiotherapy. These treatments can help women overcome sexual dysfunction and prevent further injuries. Pelvic floor physical therapy involves learning about pelvic symptoms, assessing pelvic muscles, and testing core endurance. Physical therapists use different exercises to strengthen the muscles in the pelvic floor. The exercises may involve internal or external therapy. Discover more facts about physiotherapy at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_therapy_education.

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